
Showing posts from May, 2015

Optionality: Discriminating noise from useful information

Hi there Lets talk about optionality. Optionality is a current phenomenon in which an interested selection process "kills" the research spirit by becoming big data production in a harmful event. Optionality in data management also refers to hidden values, noise or non-useful information in large volumes of data. Basically. We know the importance of the application of new information technologies, particularly the GIS, in the exploitation and management of large volumes of data. The optionality theory may be worth your attention if you would like to know the impact of uncertainty and noise in the interpretation of large volumes of data. In this regard antifragile theory can explain and show the effect of size (data volume) and response to uncertainty.

Success in Decision Making: Intuition & Instinct??

Hi there A new post. You could find interesting this discussion held in the NYU about how Intuition and Instinct affects our accuracy in the decision making. Nassim Taleb (The Black Swan, Antifragile), Daniel Kahneman (psychologist) and Gillian Tett (journalist) discuss about the role played by Intuition and Instinct in the decision making. Although the sound is not precisely amazing and sometimes hard to follow it, the issue and how they approach to it it's quite interesting. All that we have been involved in projects more than once and we know the importance of the decision making in many aspects of project development, we could find interesting and fun this discussion held last april in the NYU.


Hi there Now returning to the GIS stuff after my last post, Today I have great news about the work that some guys are doing in San Francisco. As you know, I recommend to prospect opportunities in Florida. Well, in my opinion one of the best places to invest in a US base in FL is Fort Lauderdale. Although some years ago Ft. Lauderdale was a place for wealthy people (particularly from Russia and Brazil), Today itS economy has developed into one of the most attractive to invest in Fl. In this sense today I recommend you to check the work of a GIS consulting from San Francisco called GIS PLANNING . Communities Layer They have developed a web-based GIS tool for The Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance. Their work is excellent and it is a great example how a GIS can help in the economic promotion and  development of many cities.  The zoomprospector allows you to check: Characteristics of Buildings (Size, Price, Typology, ...) Find Businesses by name, address, numbe...

Uncertainty and Randomness

Hi there I have just updated my blog list and I strongly recommend to check a new entry. It is the Nassim Taleb website in which you would be able to access to theories on randomness, uncertainty and Antifragile theory. Although He rejects many of the ideas on predicting throughout data management, his theories are quite relevant and innovative. In fact I agree 99% with his point of view about forecasting in business.

Florida - Startups

Hola a todos Hoy os pongo el post en español porque más que nada está dirigido a aquellos que en este mundo de las nuevas tecnologías vivís en España o sois españoles y queréis expandir vuestro negocio o directamente salir a la aventura como consultores freelance. Todos sabemos sobre el potente mercado norteamericano en este sector. Gran parte de las startups en temas de tecnologías de información (explotación y gestión de información, etc...) más interesantes están naciendo en Estados Unidos y fundamentalmente en una particular región californiana que desde hace décadas lleva la voz cantante; en Sillicon Valley. Pues bien, a pesar de que esa zona de California es de cási obligada peregrenación para muchos emprendedores en temas de GIS, IT, GIS-OS, FoSS, etc..., también existe una zona que tiene un perfil idóneo para la tropa de emprendedores GEEKS de nuestro país que cada día intentan, proponen, estimulan y trabajan por un nuevo modelo económico más orientado a lo sostenible y ...


Some reasons to choose GIS Open-Source Can work with Win and Linux Commercial GIS is linked to: Copy protection Softw. package heavily overpriced Increase base costs when clients needs a license (5K to 10K x 2pcs in Europe)  GIS open-source has all commercial-GIS functions and can be extended by many plugins. It runs in different platforms(All in All) OS liberate you from license restriction UPGRADES: OS companies constantly working to develop the system for new features .....The selection of software completely dependent on your flexibility and options exist.... .....All depends on what you want to do

GIS + Sustainable Urban Planning: A solution to make cities more sustainable

Multicriteria Analysis for the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems in Spain. M. Fornes.  University of Brighton 2008 Sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) have become the most effective way to deal with water quantity and water quality problems in Europe. Concerns on flooding and diffuse pollution have forced engineers to seek new environmental drainage techniques to response the demands of the new Water Framework Directive. These locations were selected by their differences in topographic, climatic and land use characteristics checked by GIS. The findings obtained showed that SUDS may help in the reduction of water pollution and flooding effects, minimising the vulnerability of the analysed locations and proving the huge potential of SUDS application in Spain. The international scientific community have been arguing that world precipitation patterns will experience dramatically changes in many countries altering their frequency and intensity. In th...

Implantación SIG en ONG's.

La información generada anualmente por cualquier organización no gubernamental (ONG`s) produce en algunas ocasiones a sus analistas algunas dificultades en el manejo e interpretación de la misma debida fundamentalmente al volumen y variedad de datos que la actividad de la organización genera en su área de actuación. Las nuevas aplicaciones de tecnologías de información en general y los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) en particular, integrados por hardware, software y datos geográficos, tienen como objeto la gestión, análisis y almacenamiento de datos e información geográficamente referenciada en vistas a optimizar la resolución de problemas relacionados con la planificación geográfica de la actividad de cualquier organización. Los SIG son por tanto un conjunto de herramientas tecnológicas contrastadas que permitirán dar soporte a las consultas, análisis y estudios realizados por la organización acortando el tiempo que actualmente emplean los analistas en sus investigacione...